I. It's easy to talk about the beauty of this place.
The iconic barns and working farms elevate us.
The deep dark chocolate dirt enriches us.
But some days we have challenges that threaten the integrity of the Reserve
That undermine our community's working rural heritage.
II. In some fields, on top of soils of national significance
Some folks want to grow big, big houses.
Houses of 5,000 square feet to replace
Historic homes of 1,200 or so.
Well, we all want our view, a dream house.
III. What has always been required for the Reserve to succeed is people participating.
This is still the case.
People have to come to the table to participate,
To momentarily set aside individual pursuits for the greater good.
In this manner extraordinary things can happen.
Democracy has always been about optimism.
Sure it's a bit corny,
IV. But the beauty and heritage that surround us today in the Reserve
Is no accident.
And those million dollar views are here because local farmers sold
Their own development rights to protect these farmlands for future generations.
This gives us quite a responsibility.
What's our legacy going to be?
Mark Preiss
Reserve Manager
Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve