Photos courtesy of M. Denis Hill & Lisbeth Cort
Monday, November 14, 2011
Photos courtesy of M. Denis Hill & Lisbeth Cort
Thursday, September 29, 2011
4th Annual Ebey's Forever Conference Promises Fun for All!
Its full day of workshops and field trips will be headlined by a keynote on sustaining our fragile land by Roylene Rides at the Door, Washington State Conservationist for the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Rides at the Door grew up on her family's ranch on the Blackfeet Nation in Montana where she learned how to care for the land.

After kicking off on Friday night with a free "Celebrating Rural Character(s)" potluck featuring pioneer stories, live bluegrass and a homemade dinner at the Crockett Barn, Saturday morning's workshop sessions will be held at the historic Camp Casey Conference Center. Afternoon field trips will let attendees hike some new trails, tour historic buildings, and enjoy a "taste-off" featuring Ebey's famous Rockwell Beans prepared by local chefs and farmers.

A full day of concurrent field trips for families to enjoy together will explore birds and beach, the Ft. Casey Lighthouse and culminate in a trolley ride through Ebey's farmland. The conference wraps up with a special farmers market and closing pie social. For the full program and to register, go to

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
An Enchanted Evening - Ebey's Forever Fund Benefit at the Jacob Ebey House
There were antique cars, as well the owners who donated their time, organized by Richard Anderson, waiting to whisk the donors around the Reserve to view recipients of last year's Ebey's Forever grants.
The Ebey's Forever Fund Committee served appetizers provided by Serendipity Catering, including local Penn Cove mussels,

and scrumptious fruit...
and drinks from the Bayleaf, Whidbey Island Winery and Flyers to add to the festive environment.
Laughs were had by all.

In a perfectly exquisite environment, the money was raised, new and old friends conversed, people had a chance to take in the scenery and enjoy music from island favorites Trio Nouveau.
We also heard from last year's grant recipients, Julie Lloyd and Dave Engle,
reminding us that the gathering was a celebration of preservation in the works, and how lucky we are to enjoy this view, and to share it for generations to come.
Big thanks to Scott Chamberlin for the pictures.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Chinese Students Visit Jacob Ebey House
Today 32 students from Southwest China, along with teachers and hosts, stopped by Ebey's Reserve to visit the Sunnyside Cemetery and the Jacob Ebey House. Jewel Czutcha, a volunteer docent for the Reserve, smiling in the picture below, organized the event.
Roger Sherman was kind enough to talk to them about his grandparent's connection with one of the few permanent Chinese immigrants of those times, who was also buried at Sunnyside Cemetery.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Jacob Ebey House Opens to the Public
Since 2007 the National Park Service and volunteers have been rehabilitating the Jacob Ebey House and preparing it for its new role as a Visitor Contact Station, when visitors will be able to engage with a living piece of history. Al Sherman, farmer, volunteer docent and member of the Trust Board of Ebey's Landing, cut the ceremonial ribbon today, signifying that the house is officially open and a new phase is beginning. Our first two volunteers, Lee Williamson and Anne Katherine, accompanied Al for the opening, enthusiastic about taking in the scenery while interacting with inquisitive visitors.
Besides the Trust Board of Ebey's Landing and its staff, the amount of time and work that has gone into this project from our partners and community members is inspiring, embodying a sense of unity that the pioneers and Native Americans before them may have also felt. The National Park Service, the Island County Historical Society and the Lions Club (along with Rob Hetler) are just a few. Volunteers from the community have worked tirelessly on every aspect of this project, from the rehabilitation to the interior displays, and now staffing the house through the summer. The Pratt family and the Nature Conservancy cannot be forgotten, without them this land may not be enjoyed as it is today.
Most importantly, the Ebey family, who courageously travelled across the country to their new found paradise, will be recognized - and their lives, which seemed tragically short, will not be forgotten. They are living on through the stewardship of this land and the special feeling that resonates while exploring it. A new life has begun for the Jacob and Sarah Ebey farmstead, come and celebrate it!
The Jacob Ebey House is open Thurs-Sun from 10am - 4pm through September 4th.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
A Call for Volunteer Docents
As the sun begins to peak out from the clouds and summer is finally alluring us to take to the trails, the Jacob Ebey House awaits its grand opening. Past and present will convene, and the house that once inhabited one of the original settling families on Whidbey Island will be opening its doors to the public on June 2, 2011.
But we’re not quite there. As was true in the past, when Jacob’s son, Isaac, raised his home on the prairie in two days with the help of fifteen local men, this home needs community volunteers to complete the final push towards the unveiling of this rich historical element of Ebey’s Landing.
We need volunteers who are interested in participating in a docent program at the Jacob Ebey House Visitor Contact Station. The rehabilitated home from the 1850s is located off the Ebey’s Prairie Trail that begins at the Sunnyside Cemetery Prairie Overlook and eventually links with the Bluff Trail at Ebey’s Landing. The scenery is awe-inspiring. The home overlooks farms of the prairie, Ebey’s Landing, the Puget Sound and the prestigious Olympic and Cascade mountain ranges. On a clear day, Mount Rainier can be seen, making this one of the most stunning all-encompassing viewpoints on the island and arguably in the Pacific Northwest. When you stand on the front porch of this home, there is no question why Jacob and Sarah chose this spot, and there is an undeniable sense of the timelessness of the prairie.
We are looking for members of the community who want to enjoy the pristine setting of Ebey’s Prairie while educating the public about the intriguing history of the Jacob Ebey House, the perils of the Ebey family, and the surrounding land. This is a unique opportunity to share our cultural heritage, while talking with curious locals as well as visitors from all corners of the globe. We are looking for docents to fill 3.5 hour shifts during the summer months of June 2nd through September 4th. There is no previous knowledge necessary, but a passion for history and interacting with people is a plus.
The two daily shifts will be from 10am – 1pm and 1pm – 4pm, Thursday through Sunday. We are looking for docents to fill weekly, bi-monthly or monthly shifts, as well as standbys that can fill in if necessary.
There is a mandatory orientation on Saturday, May 21st, from 10am–3pm, lunch and goodies included. We will cover history of the family and the area, logistics, expectations and duties of a docent and also find out what shifts work best for you.
Email or call Alix Roos (360) 678-6084 at the Trust Board of Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve office for further information about this opportunity or to sign up for the orientation.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
February signals - Spring is on the way!
Oregon Grape, getting ready to share its yellow flowers.