Monday, November 14, 2011

Dear Friend of Ebey’s,

Thank you for your support of the 2011 Ebey’s Forever Conference and Community Event.  This year’s potluck had 199 attendees and the Conference featured over 230 participants.

Thanks to your dedicated support and hard work, the conference was a great success.  From the abundant and festive potluck at the Crockett Barn, to the great stories of the Reserve’s pioneer homes, Ebey’s Forever was a deeply moving gathering.  People of all ages had a rare opportunity to explore Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve, with experienced guides and voices of local character. We savored the many tastes of Ebey’s, and Camp Casey grounded us in its historic setting.

Above all, the people involved enriched our understanding and enjoyment of Ebey’s Forever.  This event could not have been possible without your impressive efforts.  Thank you.  We look forward to working with you again soon.

Photos courtesy of M. Denis Hill & Lisbeth Cort

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